An Endless Winter

If only I could go inside my head
and ask,
Why do I wake up to hate every morning?
Why do I avoid those eyes in the mirror?
Why does my body long for an empty void?
Why my soul aches when everything around me is fine?

If only I could go inside my head
and ask,
Why do I spend days blocking out the people I love?
Why can’t I let go of the load so heavy but unreal?
Why do I intoxicate myself with guilty pleasures?

If only I could go inside my head and ask,
Why do the nights feel so long?
Why do I carry an endless winter inside my bones?
Why have I started losing faith in everyone?
Why have I started losing faith in the universe?

If only I could go inside my head but I can’t
There lives someone who can choke my soul to death
It makes me so fragile as it knows my weakness
And tears my world apart as it shatters down my strength

If only I could channel all the frustration and pain into my strengths I would write my destruction with these hands till they bleed
I would hold onto your heart so tight till it breaks
I would run till my sweat turns red
But my feet won’t stop till they take me to my end

I feel it’s evil laugh but my feet won’t stop
My feet won’t stop till they take me to my end

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